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Overclocking Procedure

by The Immaculate Professional | 1:59 PM in , , , , | comments (0)

November 22, 2009

Now that you have an idea of what can be found and accomplished in the BIOS, the procedure for overclocking is really quite simple. First, you will need to determine your target clock rate. For instance, if you're processor runs stock at 2.4 GHz, and you want to increase this to 3.2 GHz. You set this in the BIOS in the the fields for CPU Ratio and Frequency, though they may have slightly different names depending on your motherboard. Check your manual to ensure you are adjusting the correct values. Also of note, some motherboards require overclocking support to be turned on before these options will appear or are editable. For instance, on most ASUS motherboards you need to set the "Ai Overclock Tuner" field to "Manual" before you can adjust any overclocking settings.

Set the CPU Ratio and Frequency to acheive your desired frequency. Alternately, you can begin with a lower frequency and slowly iterate up until your desired frequency is achieved. This is a good way to proceed if you are particularly concerned about damage to your processor, or if you are trail blazing with a processor that hasn't been extensively overclocked yet and for which limits have not been found. You will find the correct values for these settings by adjusting the two values so that when multiplied together the correct frequency is obtained. For instance, a clock speed of 333 with a multiplier of 9.0 yields a frequency of 2.997 GHz.

The other value you will need to adjust is your CPU Voltage. You will need to increase this so there is enough power going to the CPU to support the higher frequency, however, if you turn it up too much, you'll likely melt your chip. Start with small increments and increase as necessary.

Now that you have adjusted the required settings in the BIOS, save (usually F10) and reboot. One of two things will happen. If Windows fails to start, this means your system wasn't stable enough, and you'll need to press the reset button on your computer and go back into your BIOS. Increase the voltage to your CPU or decrease the speed you're overclocking to, and then try again. Otherwise, if Windows boots normally, it's time to begin testing!

Fire up all of the utilities you previously downloaded, and begin the Mersenne Prime 95 Torture Test. Watch your core temperatures carefully! If they get up to around 70, stop and back down to a lower voltage. You may need to settle for a slightly lower operating frequency to keep your processor cool enough. If you can run the test for a few hours without crashing your system, generating errors, or overheating your CPU, you have a stable overclock and can safely use your computer as you normally would. Congratulations! Otherwise, reboot and adjust settings in the BIOS, then start the tests again.

That does it! You now have all of the information you need to successfully overclock you PC. Leave us a comment to let us know how it goes for you, or if you have any requests or suggestions.

(Images courtesy of

Video Card Upgrade

by The Immaculate Professional | 2:30 PM in , , , | comments (0)

November 16, 2009

Another popular upgrade option to revitalize your old PC is to give it a new video card. Doing so can be an inexpensive way to see a quick increase in performance, especially if you do a lot of gaming or watching movies. In some cases, the old video card or on-board GPU that is currently in use can not output the proper resolution for modern widescreen monitors. In these instances, a video card upgrade becomes almost a necessity.

While some off-the-shelf computers will come with an actual video card, most simply rely on the graphics capabilities of the motherboard, and the ones that do usually put in cheap and low-quality components. Chances are good you don't actually have a video card, but it is easy to tell if you do. If you know what a video card looks like, pop open your computer case and take a look. It will be plugged into one of the PCI slots, and will look something like the picture at the top of this article, but probably a lot smaller. Another way to tell is to open the Device Manager in Windows (right-click on My Computer, then select "Properties" then "Device Manager", or for Vista and 7, simply type "Device Manger in the search bar of the start menu and it will pop right up). Find the heading "Display adapters" and expand it, then double-click on what shows up. If the location is listed as anything on the PCI bus (it will say "PCI bus…"), then you have an actual card. If not, it's on your motherboard. If you have a graphic-capable motherboard and a video card, you'll see two things here. You just need to determine if at least one of them is a physical card.

Why go to all of this trouble? If you have an existing video card, you will need to uninstall it before you put a new one in. If not, you can just get a new one and install it directly. When you do, however, make sure to follow the instructions that came with the card carefully with regards to the order in which you should proceed. Some cards like the software installed first, and others require the card to be plugged in before doing anything else.

But before you uninstall your old card, you'll want to make sure you have a new one on hand. Decide on a budget and then shop around for some good deals. The two main video card chipsets are ATI and NVIDIA, and there are a bunch of different options and manufacturers for both. A best bet is to go to and do a search, and slowly narrow it down until you find one with features you want. If you're a hardcore gamer and are upgrading to be able to play a new game, you might want to check that game's hardware requirements to make sure you'll get what you're looking for. Keep in mind, though, that to play the latest and greatest video games you'll likely need more than a simple card upgrade. Faster processors, more ram, better hard drives and system cooling all play an important role in a solid gaming computer as well. Need help? That's what we're here for. has a great article on the best video cards in certain price ranges as of November 2009. You can find it here.

Also, Tom's Hardware has a similar guide with a lot more information and test results, but it is back to July 2009. Read it here.

And if you want some more information about how video cards work and everything that goes into picking a good one, there is actually quite a bit of good info at Wikipedia.

Have any questions or something you'd like to know more about? Have a recommendation on a good video card for other readers? Leave a comment!

(Image courtesy of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)

Windows 7

by The Immaculate Professional | 8:39 PM in , , , , | comments (3)

November 1, 2009

As of October 22, Windows fans can officially get their hands on the new and highly-anticipated Windows 7. In my opinion, the folks at Redmond really have a winner this time, and the new OS runs as close to perfect as I can imagine.

I have been personally running the 64-bit version of 7 for over a month now (legitimately, of course) and have to say I have been very impressed. While I never personally switched over to Vista and have been running XP 64 instead, Windows 7 is definitely worth the switch, no matter what operating system you are coming from. Think XP functionality and ease-of-use combined with Vista's panache.

Okay, enough hype. Some of my favorite features are the improvements to the UI. The features themselves have various catchy names, but suffice it to say that it is now much easier to find and organize all of your open windows and files and thus improve your productivity. You can use the new taskbar to see thumbnails of your open windows and select the one you want. You can grab the top of any open window and give it a shake to minimize all of the other windows (yes, it's as fun as it sounds). You can hover over the bottom right corner of your screen to peek at your desktop, or click on it to minimize all of your windows. Or, my favorite feature, you can easily arrange your windows however you want them on the screen. By dragging an open window to the right or left of the screen, it will automatically resize to fit that half of the screen. Dragging to the top will maximize the window, and if you want to go back to a smaller version of the window, you can just drag it away from the top. I hated my single, 26-inch widescreen monitor and greatly missed my old 19-inch dual-screen setup until Windows 7 brought me this feature.

Functionally, Microsoft designed Windows 7 from the ground-up to be compatible with everything you throw at it, and it shows. When I installed my copy a month early, I had only one piece of software that wouldn't run on 7, and that issue was fixed prior to its official release. Hardware-wise, I have not had a single issue with device or driver compatibility, which was the biggest problem with Vista. I even have an old Nikon slide and film scanner for which the last supported OS was Windows 98. I had to take one small extra step of telling 7 where to find the driver, and my scanner has worked flawlessly. Networking is a cinch, and supposedly file sharing is excellent between two 7 PC's. When I load it on my laptop in a week or two, I'll update this post on how it went for me. Finally, Vista's UAC (or User Account Control, those annoying pop-up's that asked you if you're sure you want to do whatever you were trying to do multiple times every time you clicked on something) is still present, but much, much, much less intrusive. It only pops up occasionally on default settings, and Microsoft has kindly given us a slider with some options on when we want to see it, based on the user account. Set your kids' slider to max so they have to ask you before they screw anything up, but turn yours almost completely off (assuming you're relatively sure you won't do much damage).

In sum, Windows 7 (unlike Vista) is absolutely worth the upgrade, and may even provide enough flair to bring some Mac boys home too. If you are a twenty-something liberal arts major that likes the Mac trend and only needs to run iTunes, stick with your Leopard. However, if you're like me and occasionally need to get some real work done (without the hassle of a virtual machine or dual partition), Windows 7 just may be the answer you didn't know you were looking for.

Students take note! Microsoft has teamed up with Digital river to offer U.S. college students downloads of Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade or Windows 7 Professional Upgrade for only $30! It is a download only, or you can pay $13 for them to send you a DVD, and it is only available on the upgrade products. This means that you must currently have a valid Windows license (it doesn't matter which version) to upgrade from. To qualify, you need to have a .edu email address, $30, and the ability to prove you're a student if asked. Check it out here.

If you want a second opinion or a more in-depth analysis, check out PCWorld's review here.

Engadget has another in-depth review with a lot of great screencaps here, however, they like their Mac's too much to be impressed and don't have as much good to say about it. Their problem likely stemmed from trying to use a netbook instead of a real computer ("Our worst experiences, however, were with a clean install to a quite modern netbook."), which is much in keeping with their trendy nature. This review is great if you want a much different and more cynical opinion than what is being said out there about 7.

Finally, you can find all of Microsoft's resources on their new OS here. They have some helpful version comparison charts as well as informative tours and lots of screencaps and videos.

Have you tried 7 yet? Was this article helpful? Post a comment and let us know what you think.

(Images courtesy of

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